93rd cover hits home for Trish

Brian Lusczki     November 11, 2012

Trish wears a dress by McCaffrey Haute Couture
With 92 covers, Trish has literally covered the gamut as far as magazine genres go. She has appeared on the cover of health and fitness magazines, wrestling, fashion, and even entertainment and TV guides. With the release of her 93rd cover, TrishStratus.com reveals why this one feels extra special.

Many are aware of Trish's Greek heritage and how much it means to her, so when OPA! Magazine came calling and offered her the opportunity to grace their cover, Trish proudly accepted.

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The magazine originates from Australia, which has the second largest Greek population outside of Athens. It is a monthly lifestyle magazine that was born out of a deep passion, love and respect for a culture that publisher Steve Agi says is not just a magazine, but a celebration of the Greek-Australian way of life.

"To be able to connect with an iconic superstar and proud Hellene like Trish was for me both personally and professionally very exciting and stratusfying," Agi tells TrishStratus.com. "Her inspirational words and attitude validate my belief in the Hellenic spirit and her humbleness and desire to be a part of our little magazine inspired me to trust in the human spirit and to truly believe that anything is possible. She is not only a role model and inspiration to women around the world but her can do and positive attitude should inspire one and all to reach for the sky and to dare to dream."

Looking stunning on the cover, Trish wears a dress by McCaffrey Haute Couture, a label that stands for something timeless with a hint of nostalgia to the classics. Shot by Steve Apostle, a fellow Greek, this cover issue will truly make everybody say "OPA!"

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OPA! Magazine is available on newsstands in Australia. To order a copy, click here.

Sexy, Sculpted Stratus lands Down Under
As seen on BT: Trish reveals cover #92

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