Trish supports stem cell research at Renew the World Gala

The Renew The World Gala served as a collective invitation for all to lend their voices in support of stem cell science. It recoginizes the Canadain Stem |Cell |Foundation's mandate to build public understanding and reinforce that stem cells and regenerative medicine are not only about science, but about people – people and families that will be impacted by the advances made in this transformative area of medical science. Too often, the essence of discovery gets lost in the scientific details. The goal to move the dialogue into a sphere that everybody—patients, policy makers, scientists, community leaders and the public – can participate in was certainly faciliatated by this truly monumental evening.

Here are 6 things you can do right now to help support stem cell science:
1. Sign the Charter - Let the world know you support stem cell science by signing the Stem Cell Charter – a call to action in support of stem cell science.
2. "Cell" a friend - Get friends, relatives, and colleagues to sign the Charter using the Share function on the Stem Cell Charter website.
3. Donate - Your donation is essential to raising awareness, educating others, and advancing research in the field of stem cell science – an area of great Canadian strength.
4. Share the videos - Let others hear about the potential of stem cell science.
5. Join the community - Like their Facebook page and follow them on Twitter.
6. Purchase the Till & McCulloch Book - Learn the complete story of the discovery of stem cells by Canadian scientists Jim Till and Ernest McCulloch.
To learn more about stem cell research and the foundation, please visit
Twitter: @cdnstemcell #RenewTheWorldGala
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