9/19 RAW Results: Beat Down

Brian Lusczki     September 20, 2005

Coming off the heels of an impressive win at Unforgiven, Trish had her first official match back on RAW since April 11th as she battled Torrie Wilson.

Things quickly became in Torrie's favor when Victoria and Candice got their cheap shots in before the match could even begin. Once it did, Trish took back momentum. The finish came when Torrie made a mistake of complaining to Victoria and Candice over a pinfall. This allowed Trish to roll her up just enough for the victory.

The celebration came to a halt as the 3 angry divas attacked Trish and Ashley. Trish was laid out by the Widow's Peak as well as Ashley who got her some from Torrie and Candice. How will Trish and Ashley respond to their beat down next week?

Stills from match »

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