8/7 RAW Results: Rated R Night

A Women's Championship bout between Trish & Mickie was scheduled to kick-off RAW, however, the Rated R Champion & his girlfriend felt the need to stop the match in order to vent over taking a backseat in the WWE.
Edge mentioned the fact that he wasn't on the cover of WWE Magazine, and Trish was. Lita then got on the mic to add that she was going to remove the 'trash' from the ring. The two started to battle but Lita (took a page out of Edge's book) by delivering a spear to the Canadian beauty. Carlito ran down to Trish's aid but found himself on the receiving end of a spear as well.
It was later announced by Mr. McMahon's Executive Assistant, Jonathan Coachman, a mix tag match would take place.
Before the match, an extremely furious Trish vowed to Carlito that she would 'whoop that trick' before planting a kiss on him during the heat of the moment.
During the course of the match, all four participants were able to mount some kind of offense. The finish came when Trish was caught with a spear, yet again, but this time courtesy of Edge. Lita took advantage of the situation and covered the fallen diva for the victory.

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