3/13 Raw results: Divide and conquer

Brian Lusczki     March 13, 2023

As The Miz was being interviewed backstage by Cathy Kelley, there was commotion overheard. When the camera pans over, Trish is being viciously attacked by Damage CTRL. The WWE Hall of Famer tries to fight back, but the numbers game proves too much before WWE officials can separate them.

A few moments later, Cathy Kelley is standing outside the trainer's room awaiting an update on Trish's condition. Lita and Becky arrive and enter the room.

Later, Cathy Kelley tries to get another update and sees Trish, Lita and Becky walk out of the room. Trish tells Cathy she's been hit a lot harder than that, and the only thing they've managed to do is "piss me off".

Stills from show ยป

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