Fan Forum Five: SummerSlam edition

Trish Stratus     August 23, 2020

Fan Forum Five is back and ready to serve up stratusfaction! In this SummerSlam edition, Trish answers your questions and gives you the inside scoop regarding her farewell match vs. Charlotte Flair.

Q: What workouts and food did you do to prepare for summerslam? #stratuspheresculpt #stratusphereyoga #gunshow -Tate
After pitching the idea to Vince (which he loved!), I had only 3 weeks to prepare and the first week of that I was at the cottage so I had to get creative! Whenever I get the call to return, there are 2 calls I make – one to my stylist Madi Stylez to get going creatively on my attire. And the second, which is the call I make as soon as I get off the phone with WWE, is to my trainer, former Sully's Gym alum, Rob Etcheverria and we plan when to get to the ring to get rid of that ring rust! Because it was such a short time to prepare, I knew I would be pushing my body so I put together a training plan that consisted of ring training and any other time I was doing yoga.


I managed to squeeze in a couple nights in the ring before I left for the cottage. Then while I was away I had to get creative! I started by day out with a session of my Stratusphere Yoga program, which I choose because it incorporates both the yoga and calisthenic training, so I could be limbering up my body but also activating my muscles. During the day I got in what I could. For example, while at the beach with the fam, I would squeeze in some beach workouts, go for walks with the kids and I would bring my FitGloves so even though they are only 1 lb each, I was still activating my muscles! Every night I would go for walks with the hubby, FitGloves on and hitting hills when we could.

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Once I got back into town I was able to get into a consistent routine. I would get up before the kids and do my Stratusphere Yoga. Then get the kids off to school. While the kids were at school I still had obligations to run my business but my team was on board to support so I would create breaks in my day so I could hit the yoga studio before I had to pick up the kids. At the studio I would do restorative yoga so that I could take advantage of having my instructor there to give me any hands on adjustments. This was important to keep my body from getting any injuries as I was really pushing my body, really everyday for 3 weeks with minimal days. I would then put on the mom hat so from 4-9 it was all kids. Pickup from school, dinner, baths, bedtime – then it was time to hit the ring! Rob puts together a crew so we can do drills, brainstorm, try new things. We would call ourselves the midnight training crew as often we would roll around and 3 hours would pass and it would be midnight!

There you have my training approach. Food wise – I keep a fairly clean diet anyway so I maintained that and eliminated all snacks/sugar. The diet consisted of lean proteins to support the muscular work I was doing, fruits and loads of antioxidant-rich leafy greens to help alleviate the natural stress put on my body with the (over)training. It all came together pretty well, considering this was the first time I had to not only focus on myself and my training but also run my business, my household and wrangle 2 kids under 5! I actually believe I got in the best shape of my life! Also, the training with Rob really upped my game. I have said that this may possibly be one of my best matches. I was very proud of the work I put in and the results I got.

Q: I noticed during SummerSlam you pulled out a few lucha moves that we hadn't seen from you in the past! Who did you train with leading up to the match and how much of a challenge was learning? -Simone (@TennesseeHoney_)
Rob Etcheverria has been behind all of my recent returns starting with the Royal Rumble, Rob always encourages me to push my limits and step out of my comfort zone. He presents new moves to me knowing what I am capable of physically. I tried new moves I had never done before because he was tapping into my potential and sometimes you need someone on the outside to help you discover what's in you. I tend to go stick with my comfort zone. And while there is a place for that, to bust out your 'crowd pleasers' and hit your repertoire, like the Rumble was basically a 'Best of' reel, having a full on single match meant I was able to have some fun, try some new things and tap into a side that I hadn't touched before. Even though I was capable, when you're in it, you tend to stick with what people expect from you. With the 13 year break since my last singles match, this was the perfect time to pull out some new stuff!

Q: Did you feel your final match lived up to your expectations? Did you feel emotional after the match? 💜 -Chelsie Ryan (@xChelwellyx)
It exceeded my expectations! When I do something I put in 110% but this time around, after such a long break from singles action, I had to make sure I would give you guys 110%. The Rumble showed me that with work to get rid of the ring rust I could get there. But that and Evolution was not quite a full on singles match. I've always known that if you put in the hard work, it will pay off. So, with my nose to the grind, I hoped that if I gave it my everything to prepare, with laser sharp focus, I could get to a place that I was satisfied walking into that match. As my saying goes, preparedness meet opportunity – so I felt I had fully prepared for this amazing opportunity. The thing is on game day, you never know what can happen with a live crowd and action, stamina, so many variables could affect the outcome. But with a pro like Charlotte in there, and with the work I put in I felt my chances for success were high. And, I was not disappointed – hopefully you guys were not either! Emotional – yes. The fact that that could very well be my last dance in the ring, yes, I was emotional with the finality of it all – but also content with that being my swan song.

RELATED: Tale of the Tape: Stratus vs. Flair

Q: What's The One Thing You Want People To Remember About Your Match With Charlotte -J.T. (@121875Raywwe1)
I guess it was after the Rumble that I got bitten by the bug. There is no other feeling that compares to what we do out there. The energy from the crowd, doing something so physically exhilarating, the camaraderie working with your colleague whom have trusted one another with their bodies – nothing compares. And maybe it was after the promise of a singles match at Evolution got taken away but I really wanted to do it and prove to myself that I can still do it. As a mom, you sometimes lose yourself. Your world is not about you anymore, it hasn't been for the last 6 years. Stepping into that ring and returning to what I do best, was something I needed for me. I guess I want people to remember that I STILL GOT IT. 😜#QueenofQueens

Q: Hello Trish. I'm so glad you returned to battle Charlotte and it was an emotional battle. How did you feel after receiving the warm reception from the fans and how was it backstage after the match? I'm a fan Stratusfaction guaranteed -Greg Porter (@GporterGreg)
One of my driving factors of putting the kind of work I did to prepare was to be able to give you guys my everything. My fans have given me so much, made me into who I am today and to come back and always get the love is something that is never lost on me. It was very special, to feel the love and also I truly felt the fans were routing for me to pull this off – in a physical – can she do this way and for the win!

Getting the props from your colleagues is everything. I felt like they were all routing for me as well – and definitely in this instance – in a can she do this way lol. Because we all know how hard wrestling and training is on our bodies, but also at this point after so long away from the ring, having a short time to prepare, and let's be honest, I'm no spring chicken! So when I pulled it off – Lilian Garcia, my dearest friend in the business who was waiting for me at the curtain, told me in Gorilla everyone exploded into applause after the match. Also being in there with one of the best in the business, a superior athlete like Charlotte was actually not a fear factor, it was a comfort factor. Knowing I could trust my body in her hands was a another plus in helping me know I could pull this off.

Glad you were stratusfied Greg!

Backstage photos from SummerSlam »

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