12/1 RAW Results: Trish Left With a Broken Heart

What a night for Trish! The night started off with Trish showing Lita what she made for Jericho (Canadian jersey with his name) that she planned on giving him tonight and said she believed that special night for them was later tonight.
Later, we seen Trish telling Jericho that she never felt this way before & Jericho replied saying he felt the same way as they both headed to the ring.
Their tag team match was up next. All that came from Trish's face was a smile of happiness as she watched on Jericho. Later she was tagged in and delivered the Stratusfaction on Jackie Gayda for the victory. After the match, Trish & Jericho celebrated as it seemed that special moment was soon to come...
We would then find out in the back what Chris Jericho really thought of Trish. As he explained to Christian that she was pathetic and that he was gonna get some from Trish. Christian then betted Jericho, he would get himself some of Lita before Chris got Trish. Trish was then showed outside of the lockeroom in tears over what she had just heard and left with the jersey she made Jericho. Will Trish break the news to Lita? Will Lita believe Trish? We should know next week.

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