11/24 RAW Results: Trish Can Show Her Ass And Also Kick Ass

Brian Lusczki     August 25, 2003

Trish was forced to take on Jackie Gayda in a bra & panties match this week as the result of the RAW Roulette wheel. After finding out her match, she met up with Chris Jericho who had asked if she was ok with the match, if not, he would talk to Bischoff. Trish was fine with the match but was concerned about his. She asked him to do the right thing and show the true man that he is. She said if he did, she would be good to him later. Before he left, she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Later in the night, the bra & panties match got underway. After Trish & Jackie we're both stripped to their bra, Trish stripped Rico of his pants, revealing a thong of his own. While everyone was in shock, Trish took advantage of the situation and stripped Jackie of her pants to walk away with the victory.

In the back, Jericho asked Trish if "tonight was still on" and she said it all depends on him. During his match, he was able to keep his cool with Michaels for the most part until he kicked Michaels in the face that lead to HBK still getting the pinfall. Will Jericho still be rewarded or did that kick cost him? Find out next week!

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