When will Trish make her debut on WWF TV?

TrishStratus.com     January 16, 2000

Canadian and U.S. officials are presently processing a work visa; as soon as things are in order, we will have a clearer indication of when Trish will be starting on WWF TV. This is a standard process that is necessary to enable Trish, a Canadian citizen, to work in the United States. Such a process was also necessary for other Canadian superstars such as Edge, Christian and Val Venis.

In the meantime, Trish last attended the TV tapings in Miami on January 3rd, as well as the SmackDown tapings in Orlando on January 4th, where she met with the writing team. Some ideas about character development were discussed and Trish's insertion into storylines will be addressed once the work visa papers are closer to being finalized.

While in Florida, Trish also did a few location shoots. A work-out photo session was shot for a future layout in Oxygen magazine as well as some bikini photos for an upcoming MuscleMag swimsuit issue.

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