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The Second City's Next Comedy Legend - Episode 4

Brian Lusczki     July 31, 2007

Kreskin vs. Sean

The party was over, but not for Sean. While Sean was still plastered (and shirtless again) after they returned to the loft, the others were shaken by a goodbye note from A.rae.

"I've never seen anyone in any reality TV show get eliminated at a party," Ali said.

The next day, Dave Thomas sat in with the judges. Jeannie won the first immunity challenge and won't have to worry about the shredder during the group's first comedy show the next night. Dave wasn't shy about his opinions – the seven hopefuls had to be tougher and the judges had to stop coddling them, saying "If you're going to submit yourselves to this, then what's with all the crying?" And what did the gang think of Dave? "He's like an African dictator," Ian noted.

Joe, for one, was tired of being the bad guy and having to tear apart the performances. "I'm like a hitman who's done too many and now I just want to get out," Joe said. And he wasn't kidding. He got up and left, for good. The seven sat there, hoping it was another joke -- say it isn't so, Joe. Cue the Joe Flaherty flashback montage. "You watch these reality shows and you go 'wow, that's completely contrived,'" Mick said. "I got to experience that by being in it."

The seven were left wondering whether they're stuck wit Dave as a judge. "I used to watch SCTV and Dave Thomas was not in my top three," Ali said. But Dave got the last laugh, muttering "I'm going to get worse, because that's what I was hired to do."

The surprises weren't over. Colin Mochrie did improv with the seven finalists. Mochrie was quick to pronounce his absolute favourite – and that favourite was Sean, Jeannie, Ali, Ian, Kayla, Robert and Megan. Next was The Amazing Kreskin, who coached them on conquering their fears. He hypnotized Sean a little too easily, prompting Ali to declare "Your mind is weak, Sean."

Finally, it was time for their first show – and the second elimination. Despite Sean's dismal Bay Street rapper sketch, it's Robert who's the victim of the shredder. There are no tears from Robert. "I'm not really a cryer," Robert said. "Well, except when I watched Beaches."

Stills from show »

source: cbc.ca/nextcomedylegend

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