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Stratuspherian Q&A w/ Jesse Velasco

TrishStratus.com     May 16, 2019

We know it's our Stratuspherians that are the foundation of TrishStratus.com. Here we give some of Trish's biggest supporters the spotlight, as we ask them a few questions about the Queen of the Stratusphere.

Meet: Jesse Velasco

1. When did you become a fan of Trish?

It was in 2003 when my best friend introduced me to watching WWE. I immediately fell in love with the concept of female wrestlers because growing up female athletes were never in the spotlight of things and watching it for the first time was life changing. I felt understood and relatable to the female wrestlers because I was this petite feminine boy who also wanted to prove to the world that I am just as strong and valid as anybody else. The technical style that Trish Stratus would wrestle had me glued to my seat and my attention to the TV screen. Reversals, counter attacks, and those high risk moves are what made me her fan. Watching Trish stand her ground against tougher opponents gave me the motivation to stand up for myself and to keep fighting through life's tough times.

2. What is your favorite match or moment?

I'll watch anything that involves Trish Stratus! My favorite match was her one night appearance on RAW when she was John Cenas tag team partner during the Christmas holiday in 2008! Watching Trish on live TV made me feel like a kid again. She was gone for so long from wrestling that her comeback was the best and unexpected Christmas gift I ever received. I was jumping and screaming in the living room all while my mom was on the phone explaining to family members what was all that noise: "Oh his Luchadora is on TV, you know that blonde that he has all over his bedroom?"

3. Have you met Trish? If so, describe your experience.

I met Trish Stratus at the Colorado Springs Comic Con in September of 2018. I will cherish that moment forever and ever! The more I remember the more it seemed like a dream that I woke up from too soon. I remember constantly shaking and trying to hide my smile when I was in line to meet her at the convention. I took a photo with Trish, got her autograph, and even got invited to have a mini photo shoot with Trish at her booth! It's embarrassing when I think of the time I went on to brag about how her yoga helped me become a better person. That same bragging caused me to lift my shirt up in front of the whole world and show Trish the V-cut that I earned from her workouts. I hope that incident didn't freak her out... but at least she called me adorable that one time.

4. Do you have a most prized Trish possession?

The "Let's Do It" T-shirt! It was given to me as a gift for my 18th birthday by my mom. When I was growing up I wanted the same Tee that Trish Stratus would wear because I knew that having it would make me feel strong. Ask any of my family members and they will tell you that I would wear the same burgundy hoodie every day to school. I left that hoodie at home and wore that Trish Stratus Tee like a badge of honor on my last day of school. All of my class mates were shocked at my transformation and some even told me that I look a lot better when I am confident.

5. What is your favorite news story on TrishStratus.com?

Exclusive: One-on-on with Trish's stylist. I am a fan of the arts. One of my hobbies is designing and creating costumes so of course knowing about Trish's stylist was at the top of my list. The first time I heard of the name Madi Styles was on an Instagram post from Trish on her costume breakdown for the 2018 Royal Rumble. I read the article and gained a new respect for the designer Madi. This woman was responsible for the now legendary looks of Trish Stratus. You can tell that every costume made by Madi Styles had her signature show through in every outfit that she designed.

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