Jim Ross Blog: Trish-WrestleMania 25 Rumors

Brian Lusczki     February 6, 2009

In his latest blog, Jim Ross touched on rumors of a possible Trish vs. Beth Phoenix match at WrestleMania 25:

"Lots of speculation out there in the internet world about Trish Stratus wrestling Beth Phoenix at WM25 including an interview that the lovely, Canadian lass made a few days ago. Personally, I have zero knowledge of such a match but would love to see Trish at WM25 or any other time for that matter even though it would seem the Raw announcers would get to call that match. I can only suggest to stay tuned to Monday Night Raw as I do for any new developments. As a fan, it feels like a good pairing (no pun intended) if it ends up going that way."

source: jrbarbq.com

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