Kelly Kelly speaks highly of Trish

Brian Lusczki     November 24, 2009

WWE's Kelly Kelly had plenty of good to say about the Diva of the Decade in a recent interview with British WWE retailer If you've followed her past interviews, you will know that this is nothing new.

Q: What's the best match of all time?
A: I loved whenever Trish and Lita worked together; they always pulled off the best matches. I loved watching them when I first started watching old matches; I loved them working together. I can't name a particular one. For guys it would have to be Stone Cold and The Rock, that's my all time favourite.

Q: Who are your role models in wrestling and who do you look up to?
A: I have to say Trish Stratus, the big one. She's the ultimate diva. That's what I aim to be like I guess! I am always watching Lita's stuff.

Q: Which Diva's past and present do you look to for inspiration as your career develops further?
A: I'd have to say Trish Stratus again, definitely. She came in as a model too and ended up being the ultimate diva of all time so that's what I aspire to be like.

You can read more of Silver Vision's interview with Kelly Kelly at this link.

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