WWE.com: Trish gets wet

Press     August 4, 2006

By Zach Zeigle

Is there anything other than the cover of the September issue of WWE Magazine – Trish Stratus hosed down and soaking wet in a white tank top and white bikini bottom – that could possibly deserve the lead in this month's WWE magazine preview?

Didn't think so.

The picture won't just impress any warm-blooded male with a pulse — it impressed Stratus too, who has participated in numerous photo shoots and pictorials throughout her successful career.

"It's one of my best pictures," said Trish in an interview with WWE.com "It's nice to just see the real you, and my personality's coming through [in the picture]."

Her pride in the magazine extends beyond her involvement; she's fallen for the new concept of the publication as well.

"I love it! It's the kind of magazine you can, like, sit on the can with for hours," she laughed. "People who aren't even into wrestling can get to learn about the Superstars. I'm really happy with the direction they've gone," Stratus said.

And anyone who isn't sure of what she means by "the direction they've gone" only needs to refer to her interview to understand. Inside, Trish opens up about the type of underwear she wears, the type of dudes she likes to date, the precise number of times she's seen Lita naked and –finally! — the female movie stars and Diva she'd most like to...you know.

But it's not just the pressing questions and ultra-revealing answers that make Trish's cover memorable. The photos showcase Stratus' broad range as a talented Diva and former Women's Champion, as well as the eloquent beauty she is when she's away from the ring.

"If you look at the inside shots, they're just so, old Hollywood...just something I haven't really done before, and it's really...it's really nice to achieve such different looks," she said.

After reading what Trish hides in her vault, there's plenty more to read while you cool down —and if you don't think so, burn some daytime cell phone minutes and call the writers at WWE Magazine to let them know about it. Seriously...they insist on it.

Covering everything that's packed into the September issue of WWE Magazine would take a novel, but don't take my word for it. Grab it yourself when it hits newsstands on Aug. 8. Just look for Trish (you can't miss her) on the sexiest cover on the magazine racks.

source: http://www.wwe.com/inside/news/magpreview2

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