Nora 'Molly Holly' Greenwald talks Trish

Brian Lusczki     August 11, 2005

Nora Greenwald (Molly Holly), has been keeping busy this week by doing interviews for various wrestling websites. In these interviews, Trish has been quite the topic of discussion. Quotes and highlights can be found below: Hotline:

- Nora notes that the two would train in the afternoons. Trish did attend a school for basic bumping. Trish was so eager to learn, she flew to Florida and they practiced for about five hours bumping with some of the guys. Nora flew in on her day off to help Trish and Stephanie prepare for the infamous No Way Out match. Nora didn't exactly want to take her under her wing. But instead looked at it from the perspective of someone to work with.

- Nora compliments Trish as never being a complainer and always taking brutal bumps. Nora makes the statement, that Trish could of gotten by with just her looks, but decided not to take that route.

- Nora has talked to Trish roughly a month ago and she appears to be in good spirits and is happy enjoying every day life recovering from her injury.

thanks to chris of for help with this

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